Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ignoring time stamp in my date parameter


I'm pretty new at this, writing SQL and reporting services. I created a report with a date parameter. I need the report to ignore the timestamp. My @.Startdate is fine because the timestamps is at 12:00:00AM but my @.EndDate also has this timestamp. I need to pull all the data up to the end date the user enters without taking the timestamp into consideration.

If someone can help me out with, I would greatly appreciate it.



If I understand correctly, you want to include the date that your user selects in your results. The problem is that when a parameter is used, it assumes midnight, so any values that are on that day but have a time other than midnight will not be included. In order to fix this, just add one day to your EndDate parameter.

In your SQL query, add this:

... where DateField >= @.StartDate and DateField < dateadd(d, 1, @.EndDate)

Hope this helps.



You got it! I've been adding one day when I enter the dates when I test the report. I don't know why I did not think of just adding one day in the code. I guess I was thinking too hard trying to completely ignore the timestamp.

Anyways, I think this will work with the users. THey will definitely be happy that they do not have to type in the timestamp when they run their reports.

Thank you so much!!


Glad I could help!


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