Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Images not being displayed.

1. I am using the webservice to render the images from a report, and they dont render.

I paste this URL to the browser


and I get this

No se encuentra la secuencia. No se encuentra el identificador de secuencia proporcionado a una operaciĆ³n en la base de datos del servidor de informes. (rsStreamNotFound) Obtener ayuda en pantalla

This is the code

the problem is that I need to know the streamid, and to know the streamid I first have to render the report where the image is to be placed.

This is the page getimage.aspx

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


string reportPath = Server.UrlDecode(Request["report"]);

//string streamID = Request["streamid"];

ReportExecutionService rs = (ReportExecutionService)Session["rs"];

DataSourceCredentials[] credentials = null;

string showHideToggle = null;

string encoding;

string mimeType;

string extension;

Warning[] warnings = null;

ParameterValue[] reportHistoryParameters = null;

string historyID = null;

string[] streamIDs = null;

ServerInfoHeader sh = new ServerInfoHeader();

rs.ServerInfoHeaderValue = sh;

byte[] result = null;

ParameterValue[] reportParameterValues2 = null;

string deviceInfo = "<DeviceInfo>" +

//"<StreamRoot>" + streamRoot + "</StreamRoot>" +

"<Toolbar>False</Toolbar>" +

"<Parameters>False</Parameters>" +

"<HTMLFragment>True</HTMLFragment>" +

"<StyleStream>False</StyleStream>" +

"<Section>0</Section>" +

"<Zoom>" +

"</Zoom>" +


result = rs.Render("HTML4.0", deviceInfo, out extension, out mimeType, out encoding, out warnings, out streamIDs);

string streamID = streamIDs[0];

string encodingImage;

string mimeTypeImage;

byte[] image;

ParameterValue[] pv = (ParameterValue[])Session["reportParameterValues"];

//image = rs.RenderStream(reportPath, "HTML4.0", streamID, null, null, pv, out encodingImage, out mimeTypeImage);

image=rs.RenderStream("HTML4.0", streamID, null, out encodingImage, out mimeTypeImage);


Response.ContentType = mimeTypeImage;

Response.AppendHeader("content-length", image.Length.ToString());





and this is the page of the report. Sorry for the long code.

if (reportCanBeRendered)


string deviceInfo;

string streamRoot;

Session["rs"] = rs;

streamRoot = ("getimage.aspx?report="+ (path + "&streamid="));

switch (format)


case "HTML4.0":

case "HTML3.2":

deviceInfo = "<DeviceInfo>" +

"<StreamRoot></StreamRoot>" +

"<Toolbar>False</Toolbar>" +

"<Parameters>False</Parameters>" +

"<HTMLFragment>True</HTMLFragment>" +

"<StyleStream>False</StyleStream>" +

"<Section>0</Section>" +

"<Zoom>" +

"</Zoom>" +




deviceInfo = "<DeviceInfo></DeviceInfo>";



// SQLRS-ReportViewer

if (!(reportParameterValues == null))


//reportParameterValues2 = reportParameterValues.ToArray(typeof(ParameterValue));

//reportParameterValues2 = (ParameterValue[])reportParameterValues.ToArray(typeof(ParameterValue));


DataSourceCredentials[] credentials = null;

string showHideToggle = null;

string encoding;

string mimeType;

string extension;

Warning[] warnings = null;

ParameterValue[] reportHistoryParameters = null;

string historyID = null;

string[] streamIDs = null;

ServerInfoHeader sh = new ServerInfoHeader();

rs.ServerInfoHeaderValue = sh;

byte[] result = null;

ParameterValue[] reportParameterValues2 = null;

result = rs.Render(format, deviceInfo, out extension, out mimeType, out encoding, out warnings, out streamIDs);

streamRoot = "getimage.aspx?report=" + path + "&amp;streamid=" + streamIDs[0];

//string reportPath2 = Server.UrlDecode(Request["report"]);

//string streamID = streamIDs[0];

////string streamID = "";

//ReportExecutionService rs2 = new ReportExecutionService();

//Session["rs"] = rs;


//////ReportingService rs = (ReportingService)Session["rs"];

//string encodingImage;

//string mimeTypeImage;

//byte[] image;

//ParameterValue[] pv = (ParameterValue[])Session["reportParameterValues"];

//////image = rs.RenderStream(reportPath, "HTML4.0", streamID, null, null, pv, out encodingImage, out mimeTypeImage);

//image = rs2.RenderStream("HTML4.0", streamID, null, out encodingImage, out mimeTypeImage);


//Response.ContentType = mimeTypeImage;

//Response.AppendHeader("content-length", image.Length.ToString());




// store ReportingServices and parameters object is session layer in case we need it for image streams

Session["rs"] = rs;

Session["reportParameterValues"] = reportParameterValues2;

switch (format)


case "HTML4.0":

case "HTML3.2":

System.Text.Encoding enc = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;

// get the report as a string

string tmpReport = enc.GetString(result);

// replace all occurrences of report server link with current page link

tmpReport = tmpReport.Replace(reportServerURL.Replace("/ReportService.asmx", "?"), ("http://"

+ (Request["SERVER_NAME"]

+ (Request["SCRIPT_NAME"] + "?Report="))));

ReportPlaceholder.InnerHtml = tmpReport;




Response.AppendHeader("content-length", result.Length.ToString());

Response.ContentType = mimeType;







I actually solved the proble, this code has a little of garbage, but it began working.

private void GenerarInPlaceHTML()


string path = reportPath+ "RPT_MediosDesarrollo";

ReportExecutionService rs = new ReportExecutionService();

rs.Url = reportServerURL;

System.Net.NetworkCredential reportCredentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(reportUser, userPassword, domain);

rs.Credentials = reportCredentials;

// see if Report URL parameter is defined and if it is then consider that report

if (!(Request["Report"] == null))


reportPath = Request["Report"];


// set the Report hidden parameter

Report.Value = reportPath;

// Get the list of parameters. without specifing to render the report (ForRendering set to false)

// valid values for these parameters will not be populated

ExecutionInfo execInfo;

execInfo = rs.LoadReport(path, null);

ReportParameter[] reportParametersArray = execInfo.Parameters;

//reportParametersArray = rs.GetReportParameters(path, null, false, null, null);

//// If there are parametrs then we generate an array with values that should be populated from either

//// - previous submission ,

//// - URL parameters,

//// - default value defined inside the report

//// some usefull declarations

System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableRow TR = new HtmlTableRow();

System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableCell TD;

System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlSelect S;

System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem LI;

System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlInputText T;

//// hash table with dependecies

System.Collections.Hashtable Dependencies = new System.Collections.Hashtable();

//// we need a dynamic array for storing parameter values

ArrayList reportParameterValues= new ArrayList();

if (reportCanBeRendered)


string deviceInfo;

string streamRoot;

Session["rs"] = rs;

streamRoot = ("getimage.aspx?report="+ (path + "&streamid="));

switch (format)


case "HTML4.0":

case "HTML3.2":

deviceInfo = "<DeviceInfo>" +

"<StreamRoot>http://ImagenesTemporales/</StreamRoot>" +

"<Toolbar>False</Toolbar>" +

"<Parameters>False</Parameters>" +

"<HTMLFragment>True</HTMLFragment>" +

"<StyleStream>False</StyleStream>" +

"<Section>0</Section>" +

"<Zoom>" +

"</Zoom>" +




deviceInfo = "<DeviceInfo></DeviceInfo>";



// SQLRS-ReportViewer

if (!(reportParameterValues == null))


//reportParameterValues2 = reportParameterValues.ToArray(typeof(ParameterValue));

//reportParameterValues2 = (ParameterValue[])reportParameterValues.ToArray(typeof(ParameterValue));


DataSourceCredentials[] credentials = null;

string showHideToggle = null;

string encoding;

string mimeType;

string extension;

Warning[] warnings = null;

ParameterValue[] reportHistoryParameters = null;

string historyID = null;

string[] streamIDs = null;

ServerInfoHeader sh = new ServerInfoHeader();

rs.ServerInfoHeaderValue = sh;

byte[] result = null;

ParameterValue[] reportParameterValues2 = null;

result = rs.Render(format, deviceInfo, out extension, out mimeType, out encoding, out warnings, out streamIDs);

string encodingImage;

string mimeTypeImage;

byte[] image = rs.RenderStream("HTML4.0", streamIDs[0], null, out encodingImage,out mimeTypeImage);

System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.OpenWrite(@."C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\GescomDllo\ImagenesTemporales\" + streamIDs[0]);

fs.Write(image, 0, Convert.ToInt32(image.Length));


// store ReportingServices and parameters object is session layer in case we need it for image streams

Session["rs"] = rs;

Session["reportParameterValues"] = reportParameterValues2;

switch (format)


case "HTML4.0":

case "HTML3.2":

System.Text.Encoding enc = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;

// get the report as a string

string tmpReport = enc.GetString(result);

// replace all occurrences of report server link with current page link

tmpReport = tmpReport.Replace(reportServerURL.Replace("/ReportService.asmx", "?"), ("http://"

+ (Request["SERVER_NAME"]

+ (Request["SCRIPT_NAME"] + "?Report="))));

ReportPlaceholder.InnerHtml = tmpReport;




Response.AppendHeader("content-length", result.Length.ToString());

Response.ContentType = mimeType;









Thanks buddy!!!

you answer helped me, though it was tough to figure out what i was doing wrong previosly. the only mistake i was doing is here .

it should be this.

image=rs.RenderStream("HTML4.0", streamID, null, out encodingImage, out mimeTypeImage);

i was doing this.

image=rs.RenderStream("IMAGE", streamID, null, out encodingImage, out mimeTypeImage);

Thanks again


Luis Esteban, tendras ese mismo codigo pero para reporting services 2000?



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